Why US

We Understand IT Service Providers

Our Co-Founder, Brian Doyle, leveraged this process to create exceptional client experiences during his 15+ years in MSP and CSP services.

The process is based on consistent Technology Business Reviews (often referred to as QBR’s) that focused on aligning Business Goals to IT strategy. As a result, this process drove high rates of client satisfaction, low customer turnover, and more profit back to his companies.

We love TSP's

Four Key Reasons you Need our Platform!

We enable your to keep clients longer, and make them happier!

Avoid the “Curse of the Great MSP”. We automate and remotely remediate resulting in less problems and occasionally, clients question your value.

We help Your customers understand the "Why" behind each project

Help your customer see what they will need and when they will need it by building dynamic technology roadmaps

Ensure that your customer secure and compliant

Build a program to provide security advisory and governance to combat cybersecurity threats. Help the customer meet the needs of cyber liability insurers and regulatory compliance.

Our process shortens project and service sales cycles and increases revenue per client

Show the customer the business impact of an issue and the business case behind each product or service.

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Welcome to vCIOToolbox

vCIOToolbox, and the Onpoint Platform were created to help Managed Service Providers deliver quality QBR’s and IT strategy sessions in less time.

Our solution is geared to drive customer collaboration through a defined process. We look into the challenges they are facing and the goals they are aiming to reach. In understanding those key business drivers, we can develop a strategic IT plan. As a result, this plan aligns the Business need to the Technology that we deliver.

We conduct an IT review that covers technical and operational performance, standard operating procedures, and security. All recommendations sync directly into the PSA systems you use likeConnectwise and Autotask.

We meet your MSP where you live

vCIOToolbox Personalized Training Programs

Individually Tailored Training

Our team understands no two MSP or MSSP’s are created equal. Every MSP is unique in its approach to the market, account management, and operations. Our job is to provide you with a platform and resources that can be customized to be as unique as you are.

Each subscription comes with two (2) onboarding meetings to help you get acquainted with the SaaS platform and its controls.

For those that want a more individualized approach, we have developed the vCIOToolbox RampCamp a 10 week accelerator program.



vCIOToolbox Ramp Camp

A vCIO Accelerator Program that delivers results. Part training, coaching, and accountability, this 10 week program ensures that you hit the ground running and start seeing return on investment (ROI) on the QBR process.

The Challenge Facing MSP’s and MSSP’s

vCIOToolbox on Mac

The biggest obstacle facing MSP’s is delivering high quality, consistent meeting reports for their QBR’s. Furthermore, these reports need to not just deliver stats, but help the customer understand the gaps in their technology. Many MSP’s struggle with defining how their recommendations can help their clients

Similarly, Remote Management (RMM) tools like Kaseya and Connectwise Automate provided reporting was very tech heavy. For that reason, it is difficult for the non-techie to understand and make informed decisions on technology needs. Additionally, using spreadsheets and PowerPoint’s to add more detail can very time consuming for the MSP to build.


Another challenge is many Managed Service Provider’s are lucky to have more than one person on their team qualified to create the report. Also, very few have previous experience in delivering this type of presentation to C-Level Execs.

vCIOToolbox and the vCIOToolbox platform makes generating easy to understand report simple for MSP’s.